Life Lessons and Protein

The healing process can really get to a person. Let me tell you, after being trapped in a bed for three weeks, one can start to feel as if they are going to crawl out of their skin. I have been doing my best to be the most well-behaved patient ever, but it is becoming harder with each new day…

Inspiration and the Internet

I have not been myself lately. I have stopped being me again. There is this defense mechanism that I seem to carry on some tiny gene that says I must go into a type of hibernation as soon as things start to get a bit “tense” in my life. Or should I say, a little more chaotic than the endless intensity that is my life. Dealing with this brutal winter has left my body near incapacitated at times. Most of the time, through no fault of my own, it is just the way it is for me in the cold weather now, I have learned to accept at least that small fact of this fucking condition. In my incapacitated states, I often turn toward the computer. What I have noticed as of late has me on an upward swing of inspiration? I can’t tell you how excited I am at this new discovery!

Reflection is the key and I think that is my exact problem, I have not been reflecting as needed. This past year has been beyond brutal to my psyche, testing me to a point that I didn’t think possible, I am learning to welcome that. Within all this testing I have not been able to find inspiration. I have found plenty of empty motivation and that almost seems worse than anything! To have all of this “oomph” behind you and nowhere to direct it? It is such a wasted shame. All  of that energy just a wasted shame…

Needless to say, when I started to find the inspiration again, I stopped to appreciate it. I stop daily now, a couple times a day and verbally thank the Universe for the beauty that is my life. The internet has become my fast friend in teaching me the ropes to inspiration as of late. Some say that Facebook is the Devil, I say that it is the person making the decisions that is to blame, the internet just “lays your options out there” for you to make your decisions. I personally am grateful for Facebook, for without it, I wouldn’t have changed who I am, because I wouldn’t have been face to face with the things I needed to accomplish that change. I wouldn’t have known that a friend that I high respected from high school, that I had connected with again through Facebook, had passed away at 38, leaving behind a young daughter. I wouldn’t have been able to make the trip to pay my respects or connect with other close friends that I haven’t seen in over 20 yrs. There would have been no reflection to my life, no feeling of almost obligation to really buckle down and figure things out. Not that I haven’t been trying, but it was all like a 2×4 to the chest, ya know?

Without the internet, I wouldn’t know of another friend from high school that was always full of such piss and vinegar, who is now running in Ironman triathalons! He is constantly posting photos or comments about running over 6 miles in -15 degree windchills and such. How does one possibly complain about having to shovel the walk after looking at a photo like that?! The fact is, you shouldn’t be able to. I am sure that it does help that I know of his past, but that just teaches me another lesson, don’t put a life onto someone, you never know who they are going to turn out to be. He is an inspiration because he has always been genuine, he has always partied like it was his last one, he has a beautiful family and children, works his butt off and continues to strive for more. He defines what his life is going to be. I find such inspiration in that.

Yet another friend from high school is pushing past cancer scares. She is constantly driving from Ohio up to Michigan to go to the Karmanos Institute to get brain scans, she is also my age. I am no longer young, boy was that a concept that I had a rough time with. She’s awesome though, handles it all with such humor. She wears her hair bright pink and seems to always have such a smile on her face. She also takes care of her family and any mother knows what a tough job in itself that one is! Who am I to complain about my pain at all when she takes care of her family with such grace? I cannot. Tough as nails that one.

Another friend, who has also dealt with abuse in the past, is a constant reminder of how far I have come. Seeing her posts reminds me that I am no longer in a battered women’s shelter, that I have a humble place of my own for my boys, that I am no longer under his control and that I can make my life into whatever I want it to be now. She checks on me from time to time now, she doesn’t have to do that. She is now happily married with a grown daughter and is studying to be a counselor to others. Honestly, I think she is going to be wonderful at it.

The bottom line for me is that there are people doing what they want. They are taking life by the horns, slapping it’s face and making it their bitch. You can find all the inspiration you want, it is a choice, just as everything else is. You can close yourself off, thinking that is the only way you are going to possibly handle a situation, or you can open yourself up to a million different possibilities if you just get out of your own head. There is inspiration all around us, just open your eyes.

Processing Through the Pain

So when life hits you with a 2×4, what do you do? How do you make your next move when the emotional weight actually makes it hard to breathe? I have been delving into some of these questions in the past couple of days. I apologize for the lack of make-up or pretty camera angles, but I am just throwing this together as I go, in hopes that someone will have something to say on it. Anything would be appreciated, even just a kind word or a little joke would be great! Please check it out here and give me any input you can. Love and light, carry it on people!!

Adaptation of Sequence for the Colorblind

Over the past nine years I have learned quite a bit about Achromatopsia and more importantly BCM (Blue-Cone Monochromacy), that is a given. One of the things that is always entertaining to learn, is how to adapt board games for the boys. The problem I have run into is, how do you adapt a game without interfering with the game itself and without somehow giving an advantage to those who do not have a visual impairment? Sequence is an awesome game in our household, as is Monopoly and Life. When it comes down to a game my oldest son and I can agree on, Sequence is the answer.
Lately, after me getting impatient and trying to “rush” my son to make his move, he once again, put me in my place. He let me know how hard it was for him to distinguish between the red and black cards on the board because of the glare overhead. The only way I could think to remedy it was to put a diagonal slash through each of the red cards on the board and also in the deck. Let me tell you, I felt horrible for rushing him, but I can’t tell you what frustration putting a little line on a card has saved the both of us! We also are talking about marking the blue coins on both sides with a white dot in the center, so that if someone else decides to ever play with us, he will be able to distinguish between those coins on the board easier too! We will keep you informed…

Revolutionary by David Eichenberg

7.5” x 8” (Without Frame)
15” x 14.5” (With Frame)
Artist Designed and constructed frame) 23K Yellow Gold Leaf and 13.25K White Gold Leaf over White Oak. 2009
Oil on Panel

This was a portrait that I modeled for and the first of many done by artist David Eichenberg. I told him many times that he has NO idea just how much this changed who I was. It all came along, perfectly timed, at the right point of my life. The fact that he called it Revolutionary was monumental for me. Forever will it be a turning point for me. All my selfishness aside, he is an amazing person who I have been blessed to have gotten to work with. Blessed to have seen yet another beautiful creation come out of him…

Blueberry Green Kiwi Zinger Smoothie

Blueberry Green Kiwi Zinger Smoothie

The constant hunt for new and exciting smoothies is always on! Something about being able to throw my meal into a glass and go is truly awesome for me. Luckily Miss Palmheart is always on the lookout also and found this lovely beauty for today’s try! Got to send the girl some props for being on top of things once again! Hope this smoothie with a kick brings you a beautiful day… Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite smoothie recipe.

The New Society Finch

So, for a few days now I have felt slightly insane. I had  thought that I heard this “peeping” coming from the birds’ house, but I wasn’t sure. I hadn’t been providing nesting materials, so I was under the impression that they wouldn’t have another one. Silly me! Anyway, when I went to clean the cage, I peeked in and found this little guy! Well, she might be a little girl… Yay, there is a new Society Finch in the cage!! Good thing they have enough room. I am wondering if I should add another house in there for them?