Life Lessons and Protein

The healing process can really get to a person. Let me tell you, after being trapped in a bed for three weeks, one can start to feel as if they are going to crawl out of their skin. I have been doing my best to be the most well-behaved patient ever, but it is becoming harder with each new day…

Processing Through the Pain

So when life hits you with a 2×4, what do you do? How do you make your next move when the emotional weight actually makes it hard to breathe? I have been delving into some of these questions in the past couple of days. I apologize for the lack of make-up or pretty camera angles, but I am just throwing this together as I go, in hopes that someone will have something to say on it. Anything would be appreciated, even just a kind word or a little joke would be great! Please check it out here and give me any input you can. Love and light, carry it on people!!